A look into the physical and immaterial properties of thresholds.
Masterclass: Thresholds.
… design and build an element of your building which sits between the public and private worlds of your space, and explore how the details and tectonics reflect the idea of public and private.
For my final project of year two, we were tasked to elaborate on a previous project through a set masterclass. My project focused on a threshold within my Hybrid Housing project. The threshold bridged the divide between public and private, inside and out and between the workshops and communal courtyard of my site.
Threshold; noun
… the level or point at which you start to experience something, or at which something starts to happen.
Brain storming… What are potential thresholds withh in my hybrid housing projet? What do I asscoiate with these? What are their stripped back components?
Design developments and itterations.
Final Presentation Boards
1- Design Development
2- Final Design Illustration